
Programs, Presentations, and More

Psychology 101 Course Materials


PSY101 Course Materials

If you are enrolled in Professor Hambrick's Psychology 101 course and would like access to in-class presentations and other materials, please click the kitty on the left.


These programs were developed for E-Prime by Alex Burgoyne.
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What Underlies Exceptional Skill in Music?

by Zach Hambrick
The Neurosciences and Music VI
Boston, MA, June 16th, 2017

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The Origins of Exceptional Performance in the Arts

by Zach Hambrick
Brain and Culture Symposium
Karolinska Institutet, May 16th, 2016

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How Important is Deliberate Practice for Chess?

by Zach Hambrick
APS Conference
Chicago, May 29th, 2016


Is the Deliberate Practice View Defensible?

by Zach Hambrick, Brooke Macnamara, & Fred Oswald


Matrix Reasoning Test

By Emily Darowski (email for password)

Supplemental Videos for "An Investigation of Problem-Solving Expertise" by Dr. James J. Staszewski

From Ch. 4 in The Science of Expertise

Notes on Review of Ericsson and Pool's Peak

Perfect Pitch Training [Excel File with Raw Data]

From Sakakibara (2014)

Gf-GO skill analyses

Described in Hambrick & Hoffman (2016)

Extracted data from Ericsson et al.'s (1993) Figure 15 (pianist data)

See Figure 2 of Hambrick et al. (2016), Psychology of Learning and Motivation

Krampe's (1994) dissertation with Interview Procedures (see Appendix A, p. 151)

Used to measure deliberate practice in Ericsson et al.'s (1993) Study 2

Openly available data for Macnamara, Hambrick, & Oswald (2014) and Macnamara, Moreau, & Hambrick (2016)

Meta-analyses of deliberate practice and performance

Discussion by K. Anders Ericsson (and others) on the 10,000 hour-rule

Presented by the Australian Broadcasting Company’s All in the Mind radio program

Debate between Dean Keith Simonton and K. Anders Ericsson

Pomona College - on the origins of exceptional performance

K. Anders Ericsson's keynote address

2013 Psychotherapy Networker Symposium in Washington, DC (video available for purchase)

Dr. Duffy's Dart Study Practice Interview

Dr. Duffy's Dart Study Practice Grid


Below are corrections to errors of various kinds in our publications.
We apologize for any confusion or consternation these errors might have caused any reader.

[7/10/2016] In the July 6, 2016, The Conversation article "There’s more than practice to becoming a world-class expert" (Hambrick & Ullén), there are two errors in the third paragraph; the text should read, "'Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise'" and "Robert Pool." (Corrections in bold.)

[2/6/2018] In Chapter 9 (Macnamara et al., 2017) in the Science of Expertise book, the note of Table 9.1 (p. 157) should state that Ericsson (2014a) misquotes Ericsson and Lehmann's (1996) definition of deliberate practice, not Lehmann and Ericsson's (1996) definition. For the definition that Ericsson (2014a) misquotes, see Ericsson and Lehmann (1996, pp. 278-279).

[3/23/2018] Corrections to Hambrick, D. Z., Burgoyne, A. P., Macnamara, B. N., & Ullén, F. (2018). Beyond born versus made. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, based on corrected analyses for Macnamara, Hambrick, & Oswald (2014), and Macnamara, Moreau, & Hambrick (2016):

    p. 2: "However, deliberate practice explained less than half of the variance in music performance under a range of reliability assumptions—for example, 47% assuming “acceptable” reliability of 0.70 for both measures (Fig. 1C)." (Correction in bold).

    p. 2: "A recent meta-analysis of sports studies found that, overall, deliberate practice explained 20% of the variance in expertise, but explained less than 1% of the variance in studies that compared elite performers to “sub-elite” performers (e.g., international- to national-level athletes)." (Corrections in bold.)

    Figure 1C: Percentages should be 47% (Deliberate Practice) and 53% (Other).

[10/18/2018] Please see the corrigenda for Burgoyne et al. (2016) and Macnamara et al. (2014).