Intelligence and the DNA Revolution
By Alex Burgoyne & Zach Hambrick
We are a product of both our genetic makeup and our environments, as well as the complex interplay between the two.
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We are a product of both our genetic makeup and our environments, as well as the complex interplay between the two.
Are you intelligent — or rational?
It’s appealing to think that “all it takes is a lot of practice,” but the factors behind elite performance are more complicated than that.
What explains the exceptional performance of Stephen Curry?
In case you didn’t hear the news, there was a major shake-up in the competitive SCRABBLE world last summer in Buffalo.
Deliberate practice is an important factor, but it’s not the only factor or necessarily even the largest factor.
New research shows that 10,000 hours of practice only accounts for 18 percent of individual differences in sports.
How do people acquire high levels of skill in science, business, music, the arts and sports? This has long been a topic of intense debate in psychology.
Why do some people learn complex skills with apparent ease, and ultimately reach expert levels of performance, while others struggle?
Many researchers believe the focus on practice—as essential as it is—has overshadowed other key factors behind expertise and performance.
The important question now is, what else matters?
A talk by Zach Hambrick at the Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Sweden, on the multivariate perspective on expertise.
Article by Judith Thurman
Photo credit: Getty Images
How a Black designer made her way among the white élite.
Article by James R. Hagerty
Photo credit: Neil Charness
Dr. Ericsson's work and enthusiasm brought world-wide attention to the study of expertise, Dr. Hambrick said, adding: "It's hard to imagine this field without him."
Article by Michael Paterniti
Photo credit: Landon Speers
“If we live in a universe predicated on randomness and luck, Maria Konnikova writes in her fascinating new book, “The Biggest Bluff,” then on a planet of 7.5 billion people, the idea of “one chance in a million” isn’t so unusual.”
Article by Zachary Woolfe
Photo credit: Greg Kahn
"Mr. Kanneh-Mason’s playing is more poised than fiery: levelheaded, though not exactly cool. But the enameled sunniness of his tone — milky yet bright — took on dashing spirit in the headlong sprint to the end."